Astrium/Airbus Defence and Space
INED - Institut National des Etudes démographiques, Paris, France
Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, USA
Club d'affaires de la Hesse, Section Junior, Frankfurt, Germany
Association Régionale des missions locales d'Aquitaine, Bordeaux, France
PediaPress, Mainz, Germany
Talks and presentations
AG Ehrenamt, Frankfurt, Germany
Freiwilligen-Motivation in Internet-Projekten
Wikimania, Haifa, Israel
Intercultural Issues Across Wikimedia projects
Demistifying Digital, a Practical Look at Social Marketing - Hill and Knowlton - London, UK
Wikipedia behind the scenes, insights into the world of know-it-alls
Plenary Assembly of the European Episcopal Commission for Media (CEEM) - Internet culture and the communication of the Church - Vatican City
Presentation of Wikipedia, panel discussion with YouTube, Facebook and
Linux Tag - Berlin, Germany
The Open Source Rainbow, a Journey Into Intercultural and Multilingual Collaboration
Girls Geek Dinner, Frankfurt, Germany
How User Experience Could Benefit From Attention to Culture
Shift 2008 - Lisbon, Portugal
Catching up With the Cultural Gap - Reflections on a Successful Intercultural Communication
Wikimedia Nederland Conferentie - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Core values: the culture of free, free as in wiki
Wikipedia Tag - Bern, Switzerland
Promotion of free knowledge: The cultural challenge
Wikimania - Taipei, Taiwan
Virtual and real life cultures: Wikimedia, projects and organisation (How the real world steps into the Wikimedia world and vice versa.)
Reboot 9, "Human?" - Copenhague, Denmark
Wikipedia/Wikimedia, a Role Model for Governance?
Listen to the podcast of an interview I did there